A part of me feels like I should be writing an ode to it instead of complaining about it in this post. But the truth of the matter is this stuff is ruining my life. I love it. I do. But, it is ruining the progress that I am working so hard to make and I want to not only go to the gym everyday, but see big time results.
Until recently, I kept the crap out of my house. Sans a small wheat loaf for Chrystian's lunch, there was no need for it. But then, my husband started complaining that there was never any bread with dinner. And there wasn't. I did it on purpose. But, I didn't think it was fair to restrict him because of my own weaknesses. So now, there's bread, and more carbs, and more temptation in my house. This isn't a good idea for someone like me. Last night I had cheese toast. I might as well be honest. Last night I had three cheese toast slices. Not last night really, one am this morning. Tonight, two dinner rolls. See what I'm saying? This is not a good idea. So, when I go to the doctor, as I did this past week, I really can't complain that my workouts are not transferring to my numbers on the scale. This is pretty much a no-brainer. I'm doing this to myself.
So, instead of complaining about it, I'm going to have to change my behavior. And quick. I'm thinking about other alternatives as far as following a particular diet are concerned. I think that everyone has to find their own way...what works for them. The app, My Fitness Pal works well for me. It helps to document and keep track of what I've eaten during the day. That, in itself, is an exercise in discipline for me because sometimes I don't want to see that. I don't want to see how many calories I've taken in by 10 am. But, it's important that I do so. Face it and deal with it.
This is what I've learned so far about myself (among many things) - I can't do diet sodas (I don't do them often, but I really can't do them at all), I need weights in my life to actually change my shape, and I can't really do carbs. I go into overload and can't deal. Dr. Oz was talking today about a grain called faro that's supposed to be better than anything, quinoa, anything. I may check that out. But, other than that, I just really need to focus on the protein and increasing that in my diet.
A good friend recently told me about ketosis, which is when the body begins to break down its own body fat for fuel. What I do know is that I was testing my ketosis levels years ago when I was on Atkins and I lost about twenty pounds or so. That was a long time ago, and now I need to learn more about it. Some benefits and arguments for following a ketogenic diet are:
1. A change in appetite that organically leads to eating less calories.
2. More fat loss will come from actual belly fat. This issue has been a thorn in my side from the beginning. I welcome this change.
3. Improvement to my lipid panel - triglycerides go down, HDL goes up, blood sugar, insulin levels and high blood pressure improves. Win, win, win on all fronts.
We'll see how this goes. I'm going to get my mind together and start this process this weekend and be sure to post my results. In the meantime, I'll try to sweet talk my husband into re-thinking this 'need bread at dinner' thing.