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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

No, This isn't a cooking blog...

Hi everyone!  Well, I must say that this project has been a long time coming - Salt and Sweet Sugar.  I've wanted to write a blog for years now, but was never quite sure what to blog about  - until a friend encouraged me to look at my own life and what I'm dealing with, learning, discovering.  So to make a short story long, Salt and Sweet Sugar is about my journey to what ultimate health is for me.  What that means for me really is something I know will develop over time, and will require me to put of in a lot of work (as I'm finding out now).

So, this is not a cooking blog, although I may feature some tasty and healthy treats from time to time.  This health journey is about total renewal for me.  I am losing weight, getting to what my doctor tells me is the ideal body weight for my height (I don't even know what 120 pounds looks like on me, okay), and learning how to do all of this while managing, appreciation for these two things, salt and sweet sugar, that got me in this fluffy-bodied, hypertension pill-popping mess in the first place.'s to transformation. My transformation and my renewal.  Thank you for coming along with me.

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